Thursday, March 29, 2018

This past week, I did a yoga practice with Jason. I tried to get back into running this week as well, I ran on Tuesday and did about three miles. At the end of the run I felt sore, but it felt good to get back into it. The yoga routine served as a good stretch and helped my soreness. Going forward, I would like to continue a regiment of yoga going hand in hand to help my running, focusing more on yoga, and doing running two or three times a week now that the weather is getting warmer. Yoga will help me in the long run maintaining flexibility, and can serve to aid in the event of injury. As a practice space, yoga is a space where one can feel wholesome just about anywhere. From what I have seen, yoga studios and spaces reserved to exclusively yoga itself appear to be empty. I gather that an open yoga space is to create good feng shui, harmonizing individuals with their natural environment. They say that cluttered rooms create bad feng shui as it means there is not good flow or movement of energy in the room. Personally, I don't mind doing yoga a cluttered room. I think yoga is something that can be done anywhere, maybe that means I'm bad at feeling the feng shui, maybe it's something that doesn't bother me that much, who knows.

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