Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Heated Yoga

This past Sunday, 4/15, I did a heated yoga session at Grow Yoga here in Galloway. The studio had rules about having shoes and having too many items in the practice space, so all shoes and bags had to be left in a little cubby-hole in a changing room they had upfront. Upon walking in I felt the temperature spike and started to break into a sweat in my first few minutes in the room. At that point I heavily contemplated what the next hour and half was going to be like. To my amazement, I actually reached a sort of terminal velocity if you will, a point where I felt myself stop sweating as I was already completely drenched and it seemed as though my shirt couldn't gain any more weight. The class went at a fairly fast pace from different positions, most of which I already knew and some I needed a little refresher on, such as Eagle pose, and Crow pose. There were some who were new to yoga, although most in the class seemed to have a good idea of what was going on. Toward's the end of the practice the room was cooled down, and we were lead out of the practice by cooling down and doing a little meditation. I was unprepared with spare clothes, so I ended up with a little shock going out in the cold after, but aside from that, I felt that my first heated yoga was an overall great experience. I would gladly try heated yoga again going forward.

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