Thursday, April 26, 2018


Spirituality is not really mentioned in most yoga classes I have gone to. In some contexts, the instructor will reference Buddhism or Hinduism or say a Sanskrit phrase, but that is the extent of it. To a lesser degree, some instructors will mention the significance of yoga in general in helping one get in touch with their spiritual self. For the most part, however, I have found that I learn more about the spiritual realm from class, from meditation books or yoga books I read on my own time, or from discussions with friends. Spirituality is probably not the most important thing to a lot of Westerners doing yoga as they are interested in one thing: materialism. Westerners get into yoga to get themselves in shape, aid in an injury, or to develop a sense of community. Community could be in some form a spiritual marker, as it can give some a sense of purpose, and can help some understand compassion, bonding, and build relationships.

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