Friday, April 20, 2018


At this week's practice with Jason I tried to place control on my breathing. In the beginning of class, we are told to breath and just listen to our breath, to let it get under control if it is rushed or excited breath, and just let it flow. What ever comes naturally is supposed to be the way you are breathing. As we move away from breath as the center focus and transition into Asana's, I lose focus on my breathing as I try to focus more on my posture. They say that transitions are where people get injured so I do my best to keep up the flow during these transitions. Breathing is emphasized in most yoga classes I have gone to; during a warm up and even after the instructor will say to place emphasis and keep up the yoga breath throughout the practice. If I'm holding a posture out longer than usual, or if I am in a comfortable forward fold, then I will remember my breath and be able to turn my attention to it for a short while.

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