Saturday, February 10, 2018

Week 3

This week I attended an evening class at Yoga Nine on Tuesday. We did a yoga routine with blocks, blankets, and sand bags which is something new to me. There was something special about this past weeks practice as it seemed much more laid back, and there was soft music playing in the background, and far fewer people. We did some of the same poses I am starting to become familiar with from past week's practices, as well as new twisting postures both standing, and seated. While in a cat's pose, the instructor placed a sand bag on everyone's back including mine for an extra stretch, and that really helped. In regard to this week's blog questions, I have to admit that I have not yet seen what empowers you doing yoga more than other physical sports/exercises. I ran track and cross country for four years before college and I felt just as empowered at the end of a run as I do now at the end of the yoga session. It's not that yoga isn't empowering; it certainly is, but I cannot yet compare it as being above any other sport. If I were to guess, I'd say that yoga's ties to India in the spiritual realm make it seem to be a heightened practice.

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