Saturday, February 24, 2018


This week's Ashtanga practice in class lead by Loren was by far the most rigorous yoga practice I have done thus far. I am still sore today two days after, and just completed a short 20 minute solo yoga routine to help stretch my body out. I actually felt sore during the practice about half way through when we were taught how to jump from the plank into sitting while balancing our weight on our hands, which I'll admit I messed up. The highlight of the session for me was when Loren pointed out how I was doing the headstand incorrectly, and when she corrected my form, I was able to do a tripod headstand. Although only held for a short time, it felt rehabituating to do something I went in thinking I would never be able to do. This practice felt like a communal practice, building a sense of community both before during and after the practice. The communal aspect of the practice comes into play when the gossip starts in the beginning about how the session will go, and laughing at yourself when you can't do a pose properly. I really felt the communal aspect at the end when we sat in the dark and discussed the practice. There was a sort of collective consciousness of the group having all enjoyed the same experience, but perceiving it 20+ different ways.

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